Compliance with Conditions of the Special Permit for the Bradford Development (formerly Cushing Village)

Information and Documentation Relating to the Conditions of the Special Permit

Compliance with the Conditions of

the Special Permit

for the Bradford Development (formerly Cushing Village)

Numerous conditions are attached to the Special Permit for the Bradford development.  

The developer must comply with these conditions in order to be able to move forward with his development.  Each step of the development requires that the developer submit various documentation that must be reviewed and approved by various bodies in Town.  

A spreadsheet was drafted breaking down the conditions based on the steps of the development - i.e., prior to the issuance of a Demolition Permit certain conditions required submission of specific information. The spreadsheet identifies the condition, what it is, who approves and its status.

The Spreadsheet can be found here.  Please note that it will be periodically updated to reflect the status of the conditions.

The following information is required prior to issuance of the Building Permit:

1. Condition 10 ((i) - (viii)) - Site Operation and Parking Plan - this condition consists of two parts

2. Condition 12.C (ii) - Definitive Plans - This attachment is in 3 parts:

The following information is required prior to issuance of the Demolition Permit:

1. Condition 3.A (i) - Acoustical Analysis - this condition consisits of several documents:

2. Condition 4.A - Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Plan dated January 23, 2014.3.

    3. Condition 12.A - Demolition Plan - this condition consists of several documents:

    4. Condition 12.F - Blasting - please note that this Condition is not applicable since blasting is not expected to occur at the site.  If blasting is necessary, the contractor will notify the Town and follow the applicable regulations. 

    5. Condition 12.G - Decorum Standards - submitted by Nauset Construction dated July 13, 2015; approved by Planning Boad July 13, 2015.

    6. Condition 12.H - Emergency Contact Numbers  Additionally, over the past several months, pre-construction meetings have been occurring between the developer, the contractor and the various Town departments associated with overseeing this development.  These meetings will continue to occur as construction progresses.

    The following information is required prior to the issuance of the Foundation Permit:

    1. Condition 12.B - Erosion Control Plan consisting of the following information:

    • Part 1 - Erosion Control Plan, dated June 9, 2015 - this plan is also required prior to demolition - see Condition 12.A Part I;  Glenn Clancy approved the Erosion Control and Temporary Stormwater Management Plans on January 17, 2017;
    • Part 2 - Dust Control Plan, dated December 2, 2016 - this plan was approved by the Health Department on January 5, 2017;
    • Part 3 - Phasing Plan, dated December 1, 2016 - this plan was approved by the Planning Board on January 17, 2017; and,

    The following information is required prior to Commencing Site Work (excluding demolition and foundation work):

    1. Condtion 4.B - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES), dated August 12, 2014; and,

    2. Condition 12.D - submit certification that all local, state and federal approvals and permits have been obtained to the Board's designee.  Glenn Clancy, Inspector of Buildings, was designated by the Planning Board on July 13, 2015. 

    The following information is required prior to the issuance of the Building Permit:

    1. Condition 12.E - Construction Mitigation Plan, dated December, 12 2017. Phasing Plan referenced Condition 12.B Part 3.

    2. Condition 4.C - The applicant has paid the required Infiltration Contribution in full as of January 18, 2018.

    The following information is required prior to the issuance of the Sign Permit 

    1. Condition 6.A - Signs and awnings shall be reviewed and approved by the Board.