Disability Access Commission

The Belmont Disability Access Commission is a body of volunteers appointed by the Select Board. It was formed on April 26, 1993 at the Annual Town Meeting in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40 Section 8J. The Commission is charged with providing for the full integration and participation of people with disabilities in the Town of Belmont. For more on the Disabilities Access Commission please see Section 40 - 310 of the General Bylaws.
Please use the Town Administration Office to contact the Disabilities Access Commission by calling (617) 993-2610 or e-mailing selectboard@belmont-ma.gov

Mission Statement

The Belmont Disability Access Commission is dedicated to protecting the rights of all Belmont citizens, of all ages and with the full range of all abilities and disabilities (specifically including “hidden disabilities”), fully to access Town services and programs, to educating Town officials and the general citizenry about disability issues, to promoting the full inclusion of all persons with diverse disabilities in community life, and to the promotion of their general welfare.” -       adopted 13 May 2004


Nan Donald - Clerk - Full Member2025
Andrew Poulsen - Chair - Full Member2027
Richard Waruingi - Full Member2025
Norma Masserotti - Full Member2027
Karen Bauerle - Vice-Chair - Full Member2026
Kimberly Sliney - Full Member2026
Vacant - Elected or Appointed Town Official - Full Member2025
Michael McNamara - Alternate Member2025
Aurora Sanfeliz - Alternate Member2026