Wellington School Building Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8, 2010
Town Hall, Conference Room 2
7:30 AM

Meeting #104

Committee Members Attending: Joe Barrell, John Bowe, Patricia Brusch, Laurie Graham, Bill Lovallo, Joel Mooney, Ike Papadopoulos, Lucy Pullen, Heidi Sawyer, Eric Smith 

Absent: Mark Haley, Mary McHugh 

Liaisons Attending: Tony DiCologero, Amy Wagner, Ara Yogurtian

PMA - Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) Attending: Sean Burke

Clerk of the Works: Domenic Ingegneri

Skanska: Bill Endicott

Design Team Consultants Attending:
Architect:    Ian Ford, Jonathan Levi Associates

Associate Architect:    Koos Louw of Burt Hill - Principal in Charge
            Diana Nicklaus-Garton of Burt Hill - Project Manager

Clerk: Chris Kochem

Guests: Dave Hawkins, Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch

Patricia Brusch, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. 

Patricia Brusch moved that the committee go into Executive Session at 7;31 a.m. The purpose of the executive session is to discuss strategy with respect to potential litigation. The committee will return to Open Session. The roll call vote was as follows:

Joe Barrell - yes
Patricia Brusch - yes
Laurie Graham - yes
Bill Lovallo - yes
Lucy Pullen - yes
Heidi Sawyer - yes
Eric Smith - yes

At 8:02 a.m., the WBC returned to Open Session. 

At 8:02 a.m., Domenic Ingegneri, Ian Ford, Bill Endicott, Sean Burke, and Amy Wagner joined the meeting.

Construction Update
Bill Endicott of Skansa reported that they are continuing to erect steel. The topping off ceremony was held on August 31, 2010. They have erected all but one frame in the northeast wing. 75% of the decking has been installed. Underground plumbing and electric utilities being installed; the site improvements package is going out to bid.

Approval of Change Order Requests 
Bill Lovallo moved to allow Pat Brusch to sign change orders in place of Mark Haley, who is out of town. Ike Papadopoulos seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Change Order #006 – for crushed stone to be used in the basement area; this amount is captured in the GMP allowance; the work has been completed. Bill Lovallo moved to approve Change Order #006 for $6,153.00. Ike Papadopoulos seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved 

Change Order #007 – for crushed stone for the northeast wing footings; this work has been completed and the amount is captured in the GMP allowance. Bill Lovallo moved to approve Change Order #007 for $2,586.00. Ike Papadopoulos seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 

Change Order #008 – for unforeseen ACM (asbestos containing material) in transite electrical piping adjacent to the old high school footprint; this work has been completed and the amount is captured in the GMP allowance. Bill Lovallo moved to approve Change Order #008 for $20,558.00. Joel Mooney seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 

Change Order #010 - for overexcavation and backfill underneath six column piers to haul in suitable materials and compact it properly; Bill Lovallo reported that this work has been completed and the amount is captured in the GMP allowance. Sean Burke of PMA reported that they had verified this service with McPhail. Bill Lovallo moved to approve Change Order #010 for $8,171.00. Ike Papadopoulos seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 

Change Order #016 - give back of $61,466.00 – this change order is a give back in the amount of $61,466.00 from Change Order #003 due to lower costs than anticipated. No vote was taken on this change order to allow Sean Burke of PMA the opportunity to review it.

Change Order #017 – reduction of $3,400.00 for structural backfill from Change Order #005; No vote was taken on this change order to allow Sean Burke of PMA the opportunity to review it. 

At 8:10 a.m., Tony  DiCologero arrived.

Contingency Expenditure Authorizations
Contingency Expenditure Authorization #002 – for treatment and disposal of oil and contaminated water at the old Wellington School, which was caused by the heavy rain during demolition. Bill Lovallo stated that this amount was known at GMP and that NASDI did not own dewatering in their scope, so it does not change the GMP cost. Bill Lovallo moved to approve Contingency Expenditure Authorization #002 for $9,089.00. Ike Papadopoulos seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Contingency Expenditure #003 – Structural Backfill Allowance (CM Contingency Portion) scope of work for $30,228.00. No action was taken on this change order to allow Sean Burke of PMA the opportunity to review it.

At 8:20 a.m., Jonathan Levi, Koos Louw, and Diana Nicklaus-Garton arrived.

Architect's Update
Jonathan Levi stated that this was the first update that he had given to the committee since construction had begun and asked if the committee had any questions about the construction process. He reported that, in general, the construction is moving along satisfactorily. Quality control is very important. A large portion of the concrete on the building's foundation is exposed so it is important for it to look nice. He believes concerns about this issue have been adequately resolved. 

Mr. Levi noted that there has been a mutually supportive relationship between the architect, the CM (Skanska) and the WBC. There is a sense of teamwork and a sense of satisfaction with the quality of the construction. Quality issues will continue to be monitored carefully, especially when there are many subcontractors on the site.

Mr. Levi is looking forward to conducting a tour of the structure for WBC members on September 13. He said that the general spatial arrangement is very logical and the amount of daylight that will be admitted into the building is very impressive. When WBC members tour the structure, they will 
be able to see, in real time and space, the classroom design including the height of the classroom and how the clerestory will allow lighting in. The gymnasium and cafetorium are lofty and generous spaces. They give an airy sense of lightness; while modest in terms of floor plan, their height will give a sense of spaciousness.

At 8:33 a.m., Ike Papadopoulos and Laurie Graham left the meeting.

Mr. Levi noted that mockups of key assemblies will be shown to the WBC.

Pat Brusch reported that the OAC meetings are now being held at 3 p.m. on Mondays.

The WBC is invited to tour the building, weather permitting, at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 13. Members should bring hardhats and appropriate footwear. 

Discussion of Lobby (Colors, etc.)
Jonathan Levi stated that the color scheme for lobby was planned prior to the Value Management process. Since the brick veneer in the lobby has been eliminated and replaced with painted gypsum board, the original lobby color scheme is obsolete. Also, the floor in the lobby has changed. There is now a simpler pattern with less texture. The lobby floor will be burnished concrete with color in it and will have a pattern of joints in it. The wall is painted gypsum board. The lower level finish will be a semigloss and the upper levels will be an eggshell. The color of the vinyl base at the floor will match the paint.

Mr. Levi  - three color ways – monochromatic and rely on shades of the same color rather than changing color; darker at the lower tier, medium at second tier and lighter still at the top tier. They have achieved this by keeping the verticals as slightly darker. At the top half of the walls, there is tectum and gypsum board.  

At 8:40 a.m., Joe Barrell and Anthony DiCologero left the meeting.

Mr. Levi reminded the WBC that there are five classroom color schemes. He presented three color schemes using yellow, green, or gray for the WBC to consider for the lobby and hallways. There was agreement that the WBC preferred a blend of two of the schemes with yellow walls with the green floor. The color committee will have the opportunity to review a mockup of the floor.

Mr. Levi presented the window frame color option which is champagne anodized. He also presented a sample of the color of the acoustical screen at the roof.

Pat Brusch asked Mr. Levi to contact the Color Committee to confirm that they approve any color choices that have to be made. 

Jonathan Levi, Koos Louw, and Diana Nicklaus-Garton left the meeting at 9:01 a.m.

Neighborhood Update
Lucy Pullen reported that had forwarded the email from Dan Lanneville of Skanska, giving Skanska's preparations for Hurricane Earl. She said that many neighbors had expressed appreciation for the information that Skanska had provided. In addition, one neighbor requested that Skanska clean Orchard Street on a more regular basis.

Ms. Pullen also reported that she had received an email from Dan Scharfman, who is a neighbor of the Wellington site. Mr. Scharfman's email stated that he had been contacted by another neighbor regarding the Value Management items listed in the June minutes. The neighbor's concerns were the Value Management items including how the changes impact the building, the changes in landscaping, the lack of playground equipment and the reduction/elimination of plantings. It was agreed that Ms. Pullen will request that the neighbor contact her directly. Also, meetings of the WBC are public and open to all. 

Dan Scharfman suggested that the WBC should have a neighborhood meeting to discuss the Value Management changes. 

Lucy Pullen reported that Sandra Curro, who lives in the area where there was trucking traffic, would like to see the vibration testing report. Bill Lovallo will follow up with Mark Haley.

Landscape Update
Skanska is planning to go out to bid the landscape package in the next 2-4 weeks. The Shade Tree Committee needs to give its approval to the Planning Board so that Skanska can move forward with this package.  

Approval of Minutes
Pat Brusch made a motion to approve minutes as follows:
·    Meeting #82 (March 24, 2010)
·    Meeting #101 (August 4, 2010)
·    Meeting #102 (August 11, 2010) 
John Bowe seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 

Joel Mooney and Eric Smith left the meeting at 9:12 a.m.

Clerk of the Works Update
Domenic Ingegneri presented a short video presentation showing progress of the project during the month of August.

Lucy Pullen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 a.m. The motion was seconded by John Bowe and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,


Lucy Pullen