Wellington School Building Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011
School Administration Building Conference Room
7:30 AM

Meeting #126

Committee Members Attending: Joe Barrell, John Bowe, Patricia Brusch, Laurie Graham, Mark Haley, Bill Lovallo, Lucy Pullen, Heidi Sawyer, Eric Smith

Absent: Mary McHugh, Joel Mooney, Ike Papadopoulos

Liaisons Attending: Fred Domenici, Amy Wagner

PMA - Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) Attending: Sean Burke

Clerk of the Works: Domenic Ingegneri

Skanska: Dan Lanneville

Clerk: Chris Kochem

Mark Haley, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m. 

Change Order Requests (All CEA's are in scope; all COR's are out of scope.)
·    CEA 019 – for $4,397, to be paid from the GMP contingency, for exterior expansion joint covers added to Century (subcontractor) scope, not purchased in buyout. Laurie Graham made a motion to approve CEA 019. Pat Brusch seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 
·    COR 058R1 - for $4,793 (Bulletin 082) to add rated ceilings in four electrical rooms (two hour rated ceilings because the electrical inspector does not want sprinklers and the risk of wet pipes in the electrical rooms). Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 058R1. Eric Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 
·    COR 066 – for $3,853 (RFI 196) for changes to slab edge framing already installed at lobby balcony; adjustments were required to fit stair and railing, to accommodate glass and wood guard rail. Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 066. Pat Brusch seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
·    COR 083– for $5,080 (RFI 447) to add drywall wraps around lobby beams at the 2nd floor; because of a previous Value Management decision, coordination of finish required above laylight. Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 083. Eric Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
·    COR 084 for $0 (Bulletin 097) – adjust mounting of roller shades at first floor; coordination required to avoid conflict with framing. Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 084. Eric Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
·    COR 086 for $5,262 (RFI 240) to add waterproofing to basement sump pits; was missing on drawings but is required in all three pits. The plumbing piece of this should generate a credit as a new change order, which should be forthcoming at a future meeting. Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 086. Eric Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
·    COR 091 – held - no action taken, to be discussed at a future meeting.
·    COR 094 – for $1,271 (Bulletin 152) to add light switch signs and the frame for the fire annunciator plan (the signs are optional, the frame is required). Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 094. Eric Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
·    COR 101 for $305 (Bulletin 072) to modify lintel at cafeteria window. Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve COR 101. Eric Smith seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Skanska Requisition
Dan Lanneville presented the Skanska requisition in the amount of $2,466,847.33 (after retainage) for the month of April 2011. This invoice is 68% of contract value; there is approximately $9M+ balance to completion remaining in the contract with Skanska to be billed. Sean Burke of PMA noted that Skanksa had submitted a revised cover sheet, which shows the budget items to reflect the budget line items, the subcontractor requisitions, buyout savings, unbought scope, etc. However, PMA did not receive this revised cover sheet until late yesterday and they have not had the opportunity to review it. Therefore, Mr. Burke is recommending that the WBC not approve the Skanska invoice at today's meeting.  

There was consensus among WBC members to approve the Skanska requisition for April with the understanding that the WBC will not approve Skanska's May requisition unless PMA approves the May invoice process. Sean Burke noted that the May invoice must include the budget line items, the subcontractor requisitions, buyout savings, unbought scope, etc. Skanska will provide a draft of the May requisition to the WBC by June 8.

Bill Lovallo made a motion to approve payment of Skanska requisition #16 for $2,466,847.33. Pat Brusch seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. 

Scheduling and Construction Updates - Dan Lanneville
Mr. Lanneville reported that representatives of the WBC, Skanska, and PMA met at the site on Thursday, May 19 to continue to work the schedule. In the meanwhile, Mr. Lanneville had issued the schedule that was discussed on May 18. Skanska anticipates turning the northeast and southwest wings over to the WBC in mid-July. Southwest wing - last construction activity is July 5 and the punch list is til July 18. Northeast wing – last construction activity is July 19 and the punch list is til August 2. Construction work should be done in both wings in time for furniture delivery on July 25.

Core – Skanska has the construction work broken down by area, within the core. With two exceptions, the core has a completion date of August 19, including the second floor. The two exceptions are the gym (later in August) and the main stairs, which are extremely complicated. They started the framing of the second floor area of the stairs last week; the steel is arriving today. There is a lot of custom work to the stairs and they will be done later in the month of August, probably around August 24. 

Elevator – last week was a significant milestone for the elevator because the elevator platform was able to move under its own power. The elevator should be complete within the next two weeks.

Temporary furniture storage - To accommodate the furniture deliveries, Skanska will install VCT in the cafetorium and the second floor art room. Mr. Lanneville noted that Skanska will provide the staff to move the furniture from the storage areas in the cafeteria and the art room to their permanent locations. 

Site – sitework is scheduled to be complete on August 2, with the exception of plantings because they should not be planted until mid-August. Skanska is working with the landscape architect to determine which plants, if any, can be planted in July. They expect that the plantings will take two weeks and be done by late August. Mark Haley noted that the landscape architect has not agreed to Mr. Lanneville's recommendations. Heidi Sawyer and Lucy Pullen reported that they accompanied the landscape architect to do the tagging. They will return to the nursery to complete the tagging at a later date. 

Mr. Lanneville reported that the Skanska trailer will be removed from the site by May 27 and that Skanska is now using the LABBB area of the southwest wing for its office. Once the trailer has been removed, the soil from the area where the trailer was located will be removed. This process will take about a week and, during that time, there will be about 20 trucks a day in and out of the School Street location doing the soil removal.

Setup schedules per Dan Lanneville
·    July 25 –August 12 - FF&E
·    August 1-19 - IT and equipment (starts about a week after the furniture)
·    August 19 - Certificate of Occupancy (temporary) – August 19
·    August 22-26 - Kitchen Staff setup
·    August 22-September 6 – School movement dates (August 22- boxes, August 29 – teachers)

Update on Paving of Orchard and School Streets
Bill Lovallo reported that the paving of Orchard Street and School Street by the town of Belmont should begin in mid-July. As part of this package, street signage is included and should be completed by mid-August. The town of  Belmont is not doing any sidewalks beyond what is being done by the WBC (WBC is doing property line to property line).

Neighborhood Concern – one neighbor has expressed concern that the sidewalk on School Street will be moved adjacent to the curb, with no grassy strip between the street and the sidewalk. Bill Lovallo will follow up with the Planning Board about this. It was noted that the WBC had made the change to the sidewalk to comply with a request from the DPW that the WBC follow policy as directed by the Board of Selectmen. 

Recovery Program
As was discussed at the May 18th WBC meeting, Dan Lanneville reported that Skanska had implemented the recovery program. Skanska understands that discussions about how to pay for this will be held until later. The WBC will not consider paying for overtime unless the Wellington is able to open on September 7. On Saturday, May 21, there were over 50 workers on site. The MEP trades are working in the core. Mr. Lanneville noted that Skanska has committed to cover overtime premiums for the subcontractors and, therefore, the contractors are increasing their crews during the week. Over the next two weeks, the MEP portion of this section will get done and then they can focus on carpentry and painting. They had nine ceiling workers onsite on Saturday, May 21, so a lot of progress was made on the ceilings of the core first floor. The Rooftop Units (RTU) will come online around May 31. They will then be able to condition the school and then start installing the cabinetry and casework.

Eric Smith asked for details about the economic impact of the schedule. Mr. Lanneville reported that he hasn’t changed the forecast since last week; it's an additional $88K, looking forward, plus about $20K that was spent previously, without notification to the WBC.

Bill Lovallo expressed his appreciation to Domenic Ingegneri, Clerk of the Works, for agreeing to work overtime so as to monitor the contractor's work during the recovery effort. 

Joe Barrell asked that Skanska move the kitchen equipment to a bonded warehouse in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (this equipment is currently in Rhode Island).

Bill Lovallo noted that, every Monday, PMA will sit down with Skanska and check the Skanska schedule to verify that all is in order with it.  It is expected that PMA and Skanska will report on schedule updates at each WBC meeting. 

MSBA Update
Mark Haley reported that, after an MSBA review of the project funding agreement, the agreement was reduced by $20.00. PMA is reviewing this agreement.

Pat Brusch will contact the FF&E consultant to ask if it’s possible to delay any of the furniture deliveries. 

Future WBC Meetings:
June 1, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. in SAB
June 8, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. in SAB

Lucy Pullen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 a.m. The motion was seconded by Pat Brusch and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,


Lucy Pullen