Pavement Management Program

Click on the link below to see which streets are programmed for repairs. 

2023/2024 Pavement Management Program

Parking Allowance

During construction activities that prevent access to driveways, property owners are allowed to park on other streets in the neighborhood. On street overnight parking is also allowed under these conditions.

Driveway Access

Once a road is pulverized, regraded and paved with the first layer of asphalt often there is a gap between the new road surface and the driveway apron leading to private property. Each driveway apron is evaluated to determine what temporary measures are necessary to allow access to the driveway including adding gravel or asphalt to connect the new road to the existing apron.

Driveway Apron Construction

Many (but not all) driveway aprons are replaced during road reconstruction. Once the existing driveway apron is removed access to the driveway may be limited. Once the area is formed for the placement of concrete access is not allowed. Once concrete is placed it will take three days for the concrete to properly cure before access to the driveway can be allowed. Any areas abutting the new concrete work, disturbed during the construction process, will be restored including a new asphalt patch to match the existing driveway, loam and seed and sidewalk patching as required. See Parking Allowances for further information.

Accessible Ramp Construction

Accessible ramps, typically constructed at corners, are required to meet strict state standards. Proper location and construction details must be followed. Any disturbed area on private property that abuts a newly constructed ramp will be restored with in kind materials. Specialized repairs (typically walls or other existing edge treatment) will be restored in consultation with the property owner.

Shoulders and Edge of Roadway

Shoulders along newly reconstructed roadways are treated with Asphalt Berm in areas where the vegetated shoulder is damaged or non-existent. If the existing shoulder is vegetated and is stable an edge treatment will not be installed.


A limited amount of funding is available for Sidewalk repair.


The Belmont Tree Warden will determine if public shade trees are available after road reconstruction is completed.

Traffic and Speeding Concerns

Please refer to the Select Board Traffic Calming Policy for further information.