Inspection of Town Buildings

Inspection of Town Buildings

Recently, natural gas odor was reported at two Town buildings; The Winn Brook Elementary School and the Beech Street Center. Facilities department staff responded to these incidents and both have been addressed. Patrice Garvin, Town Administrator, and Dr. Jill Geiser, School Superintendent, want the residents of Belmont to be assured that the safety of students, Town employees, and the general public is the utmost priority. With this commitment in mind we have instituted an inspection protocol for all public buildings. These inspections are in addition to existing regularly scheduled comprehensive inspections required to meet local and state regulatory codes. Over the next several weeks personnel will be visiting all Town buildings and schools to make certain natural gas equipment and infrastructure is in proper working order. Any deficiencies will be addressed promptly. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you.

For questions regarding this press release, contact the Office of the Select Board,

(617) 993-2610 or