Newly Appointed Members of Committees, Boards and Commissions, click here

Newly elected or appointed officials must appear in person at the Town Clerk's office to be administered the oath of office (swearing in) before participating in any meeting requiring a vote.

The oath of office for newly elected or appointed members of Belmont’s boards, committees and commissions will be administered on the following schedule. No advance notice is required; the oath will be administered to all members who arrive for that time slot. Those taking the oath should have their paperwork with them.  

Oaths are available on the following schedule:
Monday8:30 am, 5:30 pm
Tuesday through Thursday8:30 am, 3:30 pm
Friday8: 30 am

An example of the general oath follows:

Do you solemnly affirm that you will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the By-Laws of the Town of Belmont and you will impartially perform the duties of  ______to which you have been duly elected (appointed), keeping uppermost in your mind what is best for the Town of Belmont and its inhabitants.

At the time of the swearing in of elected officials and all members of boards, committees and commissions, the following materials are distributed and a confirmation receipt is signed and filed with the Town Clerk: