Who is the Owner’s Project Manager and what is their job?

The Belmont High School Building Committee (BHSBC) selected Daedalus Projects, Inc. to serve as the Owner’s Projects Manager for the Belmont High School Building Project and the MSBA approved the selection in April 2017. The Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) provides project management guidance throughout the life of a public-school project. Massachusetts General Law (MGL) requires that an OPM is contracted for any public building project where services are estimated to exceed $1.5 million. The duties of the OPM include, but are not limited to: providing advice and consultation with respect to design, value engineering, scope of work, and cost estimating; general contractor and subcontractor prequalification; scheduling, construction, and the selection and negotiation with, and oversight of, a designer and a general contractor for the project; and ensuring the preparation of time schedules, and assisting in project evaluations.