Belmont Uplands Project

(Residents at Acorn Park)


The “Residents at Acorn Park” (also known at The Uplands Project) development was granted a Special Permit by the Zoning Board of Appeals on February 16, 2015.  The development includes 5 separate buildings which consist of 298 dwelling units consisting of 194 – 1 BR units, 88 – 2BR units, and 16 – 3BR units. The development will be built on land located on the south side of Frontage Road and the west side of Acorn Park Drive. The development qualifies as assisted "low or moderate income housing" within the meaning of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B, section 20 and will provide 60 units (20%) which will serve households earning at or below 50% of area median income. On March 5, 2015 a building permit was issued for the “Residents at Acorn Park” development. 

For more information and documentation regarding this development, please refer to the attached web pages:

  • Specials Permits and approved buildings can found HERE.
  • Enviromental, Financial, Stormwater, Traffic, and Wastewater Reviews can be found HERE.
  • Amendments and Revisions can be found HERE.